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How To: Create New Deployment Template

Writer's picture: ElipsaElipsa

Rapid Deployment Templates are the fastest and easiest way to deploy intelligent monitoring and predictive maintenance at scale.

Creating a template unique to your machine and monitoring needs is as simple as filling out a web form on the Elipsa Platform.

From there, you can stream new machine data against the model via REST API or MQTT to make real-time predictions of current or future problems.


Users can create a new template from two locations within the platform:

Elipsa Main Page

On the Main Page, the first card on the left is for managing your templates.

Clicking the bottom button, Custom Template (circled above), will direct you to the form to create a new custom template.

Additionally, you can access the form from the My Templates page. Users can navigate to their list of saved templates by clicking My Templates on the top navigation bar or by clicking the View My Templates button on the left most card.

My Templates

At the top of the My Templates page, users will find an orange plus sign.

Click this button to redirect to the create new custom template form.

Custom Template Form

The web form above details the required fields necessary to configure a new Rapid Deployment Template.

  • Template Name: a unique name for your template

  • Template Description: provide a description of what your template will be monitoring

  • Features: a comma separated list of datapoints that will be monitored by this template

  • Model Prefix: the prefix to the model name as it will appear in your list of saved Models

  • Initial Training Amount: the number of data points needed before Elipsa builds and initial model.

    • We recommend at least 1,000 and in cases where you are generating data once a minute we recommend building a model after 1 week minimum or 1,440 data points.

  • Re-Training Amount: the number of data points needed to retrain.

    • We recommend that this is done after a month’s worth of data which when streaming at 1 minute intervals would be ~43,200 data points.

Clicking Create Template will run through the process of creating a new template, returning an error message if a problem was encountered (such as the name not being unique) and the new template’s API key if successful.

Template API Endpoint

Once the template is created, you will return to the My Templates page with your new template now visible. To the right of your new template you will see the API URL and the </> link for your template. Clicking on this link will provide you with details needed to stream new data to your new template for machine monitoring.

To learn how to start streaming data to the template please reference our tutorial on Real-Time Monitoring.


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